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January 06, 2014


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...it reminds me of all those Canadians who still ignore that the National Anthem was a 19th-century french-canadian nationalist poem written by Basile-Routhier, one close to la Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, and then translate (only a short part of it)...Taken from French Canada, with no recognition to the author, and then proclaimed AUTHENTIC CANADIAN... as if English canadian can't help it but turn to French Canadian to define themselves...

What I can say is : when I asked in a blog post what readers think about the campaign, the text of the French version drew very mixed commentaries; some on my blog (http://blogues.journaldemontreal.com/marieclaudeducas/nouvelles/sotchi-2014-eh-oui-nous-sommes-lhiver/) , and even more on my Facebook page.
Turns out that, yes, it may have been a good idea to draw at least some inspiration from Gilles Vigneault, as you suggest: http://blogues.journaldemontreal.com/marieclaudeducas/sports/sotchi-2014-mon-pays-cest-lhiver-suite/

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