Design T-shirts, sell them online and make good money. This seems to be the promise of
CafePress is a community of 6.5 million members, where folks from all walks of life gather online to create, sell, and buy T-Shirts and other "print-on-demand" products (it's called user-generated commerce, and we're the leader in it). Our Shopkeepers offer over 150 million products-including everything from funny T-Shirts to custom hats, hoodies, mugs, and more. Rewarding self-expressionists since 1999, CafePress is based in San Mateo, CA.
You can search designs created by these self-expressionists by Shopkeepers’ brands or by topic. I searched in Places for Québec. There are the expected Québec flag designs. And the stupid ones like ‘Québec. Our Hookers Are Fantastique!’. I have yet to see someone on the streets of Montreal wearing
that one so I presume this shopkeeper hasn’t quit his or her day job.
This collection of stereotypical designs would not be complete without the “Poutine Power” or the “Poutine for ever” designs. Poutine may at one time have been a symbol of Québec in the minds of outsiders but they should know that it crept up on menus across Canada and is no longer a delicacy only Quebeckers indulge in.
According to a survey by the Strategic Counsel conducted last June among 1,000 Canadian adults, 79% of Quebeckers have ever eaten poutine compared to 73% of Canadians in the ROC. It might still be more popular in Québec but ‘Poutine Power’? Surely these self-expressionists can find another cliché about Québec.
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