Grocery shopping behaviours and attitudes vary across the country with Quebec residents contrasting the greatest with the rest of the country. – Findings from the MaterIndex survey.
- Overall, Quebecers get the greatest enjoyment from shopping (66%) and are the only region to prefer to shop mid-week.
- Quebecers also take the most frequent general stock-up trips, but not as many quick trips as the West or Ontario residents.
- Eastern Canada ($7,481) and Alberta ($7,762) residents are
more likely to spend more each year for general stock-up trips, with Ontario
($6,612) residents spending the least per year.
- Quebec (50%) and Ontario (49%) residents are highly likely to take reusable bags when grocery shopping, which can likely be attributed to the recent surge of reusable bags being offered by retailers in these provinces.
- Canadians living in the West spend more time (48.7 minutes for a general stock-up trip) shopping in store (excluding travel), as they tend to take longer general stock-up trips than any other region.
- Residents in the East take the longest average quick trips at 19.8 minutes.
- Westerners also tend not to shop at supermarkets most often during general stock-up trips than other regions.
Source: The MasterIndex™ Checking Out the Canadian Grocery Shopping Experience is the latest MasterIndex report for Canada. The research was conducted by Environics Research Group from May 14-19, 2008 via a national survey of 1,000 adult Canadians aged 25+ representative of the Canadian population in terms of age, gender and region.